October Pay It Forward


First let me send a HUGE SHOUT OUT TO Overwhelmed With Joy for hosting such a fantastic giveaway every month.  It has been a true blessing to me and I have met a lot of awesome women since I have been participating in her PIF.

So, the weather is changing here on the east coast and it’s great curl up with a cup of tea, a favorite snuggle blankie and a good book time!  Now that I’ve finally taken care of my September Pay It Forward giveaway, it’s time to announce my October selection – and the winner is…

Dinner With A Perfect Stranger – An Invitation Worth Considering                                                                                                                    by David Gregory

oct pif

I loved this book so much I bought several copies and gave them as Christmas presents a few years ago.  It was a real page turner and I hated to see it end.  Put yourself in Nick’s place and ask yourself WWYD – what would YOU do if Jesus invited you to dinner.  Here is a synopsis taken from Barnes and Noble’s website: 


You are Invited to a Dinner with Jesus of Nazareth.  The mysterious envelope arrives on Nick Cominsky’s desk amid a stack of credit card applications and business-related junk mail. Although his seventy-hour workweek has already eaten into his limited family time, Nick can’t pass up the opportunity to see what kind of plot his colleagues have hatched.

Make sure you go to Overwhelmed With Joy and check out the other October PIF giveaways!

9 thoughts on “October Pay It Forward”

  1. Shalom,

    I would like to share this testimony with all to the glory of Yeshua!!!

    Baptized In The Name Of Jesus

    I myself can testify of the change that took place after I was recently water Baptized in the Name of Jesus.
    Immediately as I came up out of the water I knew something that I never experienced before had happened.

    From that moment, drinking, cursing, lying, etc was gone! I mean gone! My whole attitude was rearranged and changed where I now wanted to serve God and hungered after Him like never before!

    Coming out of the water all I could do was lift up my arms towards the sky praising and thanking God!
    This change has not left me but increased! Since then doors have opened up for me that were closed where I want and can serve God like never in the past.
    No I did not speak in tongues, they will come, but first I needed cleaning up spiritually. The Lord Jesus Christ took all the stumbling blocks out of my way. I was going down the tubes and most likely headed for hell. Thank the Almighty God for His mercy, kindness forgiveness and rescue from my folly!

    Years ago I was water baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost but not in the Name of Jesus!!!. No change like this took place. But now I walk with Jesus in newness of life, I walk now after the Spirit, not after the flesh, Praise God!!!

    Daniel Pivano

  2. P.S. I’m so glad your enjoying my PIF book exchange so much. I’m having a lot of fun with it too! It’s really getting me out of my rut of reading the same ol’ thing! 🙂

  3. That does sound like a good book. So count me in, and congratulations on winning a whole years worth of menu planning. That sounds like a really cool thing. Thanks for visiting and entering my contest, too.

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